Thursday, March 09, 2006


last day of school. 10 days until we see everyone again, but at least it certifies the absence of ... nevermind...
recceived: chinese - zou ji (journal thingy, to be done on a notebook or exercise book, not on paper) due t2 w1 mon 20 mar; phy - poster on waves due t2 w1 thu 24 mar.
i think that's all. and sorry for the mistake about the physics test. i thought it was today but it's actually next term...
well due on monday, the day that school starts again, are quite a few things: chin - worksheet with all the zao ju on it, journal; maths - assignment 3, file with signature.
might as well list tuesday as well: art hist - chap 4 ws; lit - journal (creative writing).
and for the rest of the week: thu: phy - wb 34.1 and 34.2, poster on waves.
whee no more posts for the entire holidays!!

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