Monday, October 16, 2006

post lalaa

this is a post just for fun cause i'm bored of the 24 hours thing, not that it's not good, just that i'm bored. haha

not making sense here.

what would happen if one day you found out that everyone you've ever known and everything you've ever done never existed? not gone, not dead, but really never happened? and all of it was just in your mind. freaky right?

oh i just watched a beautiful mind haha. that's why.


Thursday, August 31, 2006

“The world is a collage”This is a poempaintingwordperformancepiece.All of the following words describe scenes. All of these scenes contain signs. The signs may not obvious, but they are there. In some cases, there may be a large number of signs, in which case, all are to be included. The colors of the signs, the numbers on the signs and the text and language of the signs are to be emotionally and chaotically combined on one huge imaginary and ever-present canvas, a painting dedicated to Arlene Schloss. The signs exist in the following situations:Nurses talking near hospitals before they begin work on autumn days when the moon is full, mailmen who drink canned coffee by themselves, retirement age janitors at the Louvre looking over new tools, miners in dangerous elevators, mechanics with legs sticking out from underneath cars with oily radios pouring out 20 year old music in the background, people with hangovers standing near open graves, hippos that go into the ocean, gardeners driving to buy trees with roots wrapped in burlap, people leaving yellow cabs in a hurry at night, an urban area full of people flying kites, parades in cold weather, parades in hot weather, soccer games, baseball games, mushroom hunters, tennis games, weavers of silk carpets, football practice, smugglers who do so to feed their children, archery ranges, barbecues for groups of people ranging from three to three thousand, streets being paved for the first time, clothes being hung to dry, hunters who do not drink when they are hunting, the tallest building in Manila, fishermen who drink but stay on shore, fireman, trappers who do so with respect, amusement park employees who have lost their keys, children who sleep in tents in their backyards, photographers stranded in Mozambique, moviemakers who sleep well, people who use handphones during meetings and housepainters who do a good job.
Places where elephants are, shelves full of books about ferns, silver airplanes that seem like paralyzed flying birds, the happiest person in Uganda, red weather balloons, magazines launched in the ‘70s, instructions for assembling tents, Vietnamese tour guides, the cost breakdown for a satellite dish to be installed in Yugoslavia, ugly public sculptures, the Vatican, Domino Pizza, Mecca, the Holy Land, toothpaste factories, a place where a picnic table was accidentally burned, a barnyard, a waterfall, flocks of thin white birds, grey lines of highways, the only stuffed armadillo to be found in South Africa, lakes holding sailboats, a Paris metro ticket, canoes on rivers, the oceans slapping big ships, the most loved Swedish politician, the most elegant shoe store in Mumbai, fog eating a city, organic apple orchards, alphabets, Christmas tree farms, strip mined landscapes, desserts full of unwanted testing, an environmentally friendly golf course, a fireworks display watched by an Amish family in a bus station between Chicago and Kansas City, bonfires, the diets of djs, traffic accidents as a result of animals crossing highways, unemployed male prostitutes in Taipei, railroads used by bikers, places that serve take out prata, housing subdivisions, the Empire State Building, the Pyramids, the shopping list of newlyweds in Bowling Green, Ohio, the first Chinese cookbook in Peru, the Tokyo Dome, a kindergarten in Bonn, the most depressing high school in Teaneck New Jersey, the harbor of Rio de Janiero during an eclipse, the Great Wall of China being discused by mathematicians, Red Squarebeing discussed by visiting Irish tourists, Kmarts in Canada, driving schools, elephant orphanages, missile testing ranges, forest fires, a Gutamelan dentist’s office, power plants in Minsk, black boxes of intergalactic spacecraft, Kyoto florists located within the train station, the insects which live in the main Xian post office, the humidity within the Sydney Opera House, the deli on the corner, New Orleans classical musicians, Microsoft paper useage files, cloud seeding programs, glider competitions in Norway, ancient light houses, beaches where there are no beach towels, umbrellas on Avenue A, Coney Island, the dreams of a Singaporean civil servant, a painting of the the Great Lakes hanging in a Green Bay bar, the video collection to be found on a typical North Sea oil rig, the Rocky Mountains, the garage of the grandson of Dali’s least favorite barber, the Amazon, the Urals, the Andes, the Great Rock, Mt. Fuji, the Pyrennees, Ireland, India, Idaho, Inokashira, Iran, Iraq, Iowa, people on horses, goats in trees, the Statue of Liberty, every bridge in the world, every phone line in the world, every bit of dust on Broome Street, every modem, every email ever written in Spanish and the oceans.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home

Mornië utúlië (Translation: Darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornië alantië (Translation: Darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

May it be the shadow's call
Will fly away
May it be you journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun

Mornië utúlië (Translation: Darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornië alantië (Translation: Darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

stay strong everyone!
after all, once you hit rock bottom the only way you can go is up yeah?

Friday, August 18, 2006

something that's supposed to be random

And now I can feel the day coming
the day of farewells and goodbyes
inside I seem to lie to myself
and tell myself not to cry

The day that seemed so far off before
is now no longer so
it seems the day came too quickly
the day I have to go

And as I think about the past
the memories flood back
a shower of emotions
the future seems so black

A little smile, a little while
the day we all first met
treasuring moments so carefully
trying not to be upset

And now I try to end this poem
but find I cannot do so
perhaps this poem is meant to go on

what to do what to say what to think what to pray

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


hm i was just thinking how anything that ever goes here is simply homework posts and stuff. so i'm now going to post something totally random and simply unrelated. no flames please.

lalala i want there to be a writing carnival in school for people to post their works and for others to review.

oh and very oddly and totally random, hans christian anderson is gay. as in it's kinda grotesque and sick to imagine a totally gay guy could write so many delicately exquisite faiytales. but they have a rather gruesome twist in the end for some of them so i guess it fits. still weird.

haha was reading this fairytale. about a little shepherdess doll and a chimney sweep who loved each other and who ran away into the outside world. and the gal was so scared of how awesome and big and unexplored the world was, that she ran right back inside again. lalala stupid. the world is big for a reason. if not everyhing would get utterly boring.

for a sense of utter goth and god reading. try sylvia plath. haha if i posted lady lazarus i bet some people would start thinking i was deranged. it's possible to love the dark. oh and sylvia plath committed suicide. by sticking her head into an oven. lalala still appreciate her morbid genius like a wry death-rictus.

I am silver and exact.
I have no preconceptions.
Whatever I see, I swallow immediately.
Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike
I am not cruel, only truthful –
The eye of a little god, four-cornered.
Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall.
It is pink, with speckles. I have looked at it so long
I think it is a part of my heart. But it flickers.
Faces and darkness separate us over and over.

Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me.
Searching my reaches for what she really is.
Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon.
I see her back, and reflect it faithfully
She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands.
I am important to her. She comes and goes.
Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness.
In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman
Rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish.

Friday, July 14, 2006


ok back to job, as requested.
when should i start from?
ok. from when i got back.

received on wed 12 jul : chem - assignment due nnw wed 26 jul.
received on thu 13 jul: maths - assignment 3 due nw mon 17 jul.

due on mon: IS - lab report (air strip); chin - jian bao (newspaper thing); eng - research on thinking styles & etc. (i think).

so much hw i need to catch up on.
that's all

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

bonjour, c'est moi, kylie. i said i'd try this thing out so here goes ...

homework ...
given out today:
IS: Lab and Research Report due in two weeks time
HCL: higher chinese do finish dan1 yuan2 6.19 li2jie3 wen4 da2 by tomorrow

due tomorrow:
HCL see above
GEography Discussion Qn 3

yepp, c'est tout. that's all.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

ooooh havent done my job for ages.
ok here's the homework for the past few days, except the stuff that has already been passed up.

maths - assignment + journal due nw thu 6 jul; bio - assignment due nnw mon 10 jul; int sci - project on clouds due w5 tue 25 jul; chem - revise last term stuff and find out why Bohr's model failed to explain atoms with more than one electron due nnw wed 12 jul; maths - assignment 2 due nw thu 6 jul.

utter disorganisation

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


sorry this is uber late, but i must perservere!!
received today - maths - review quiz due tmw thu 4 may.
dut tomorrow: bio - terrarium report (extended) ; chem - file (extended) ; int sci - presentation (unextended, but extended in some way...) ; chin - file ; maths - quiz!!
wow. that's a lot.
ok. perservering...

Sunday, April 30, 2006

homework -

due on tue - chin zhou ji.
and your lit stuff if any.
that's all

Thursday, April 27, 2006

returns to returning

received: chin - zou ji 2 due tue 2 may.
oooooooooh may is comin!
i suppose the no homework received record shall have to remain as 2 days. oh well.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


received today: none! ( or maybe the english thingy)
due tomorrow: bio - lab report 2, presentation on energy sources.
interesting how we are no longer receiving any new homework now. good. they are giving us a chance to clear debts and study the gotten. the gotten knowledge. exams seem nearer and nearer now.
phy test tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

homework returns

sorry i havent been posting lately. sorry soryyyyyy
received today: none(whee)
due tmw: maths - file, assignment, jounal.
thank you.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


received: maths - file due nw wed 26 apr, journal due nw wed 26 apr, assignment due nw wed 26 apr.
due tmw: chin - zuo ye 12; bio - sungei buloh report + food web.
phy test tmw as well, i think. MCQ. yeah. 4 vibe and waves.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


received mon ( that is not passed up already) : chem - file check due nw mon 24 apr; chin - zuo ye 12 due thur 20 apr.
recieved today: math - test sign due tmw 19 apr.
due tmw: maths - assignment (extended).

Sunday, April 16, 2006

homework is back

received on thur: bio - prac due 24 apr.
due mon: chin - zuo wen; phy - assignment (extended), mini project.
sorry for this late post. was overseas.
there is also a chem test and (i think) an IS test tomorrow. blah.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Here is something i typed while i was in the com lab during english. just for fun. see if you can identify yourself.

Observations by Cancy Chu
Start 3.11pm
Screwed com How fair are you man? Please Given to me hard copy Those without hard copy Soft copy so far Only in soft copies, could you print them out What did he say? Download lah Individual Download… First link What is the purpose of coming here? Tell her? Jun yup, jun yup Didn’t know, didn’t know Yes yes Comments Welcome to gmail or something, click on it Ok Open now Beginning Thank you thank you Oh oh! Mr valles aiyah, I’m sorry I;m here I’m here! Sources web Just write something…portfolio Very nice number you know… Best com ah! Jong you smart a** eh Previews Sign there… Screwed up I assure you Freewriting right? Free hand ah.. Wa lou Um LAU I’m gonna steal that com I want English I want English I need to do lit .sg Title warcraft Oh ho clement! No it’s my essays! Huh? You dunno where’s my documents? Yeah Byebye Bye Bye Yeah! Hahaha You leave your .. already right? Ehhh cannot one. Wah lau SO? Stranger… wha lau! Go on My name! Who wants music? NO BO DY! Cancy look at this….ok Music music I want … Go go to some one’s blog Speakers…. Oh yeah!! Submit four essays Four and only four Yeah All my photocopies… Send you DOT Jo Yeh need my thumbdrive Oh Remember? Yes You have MSN? O wan ICQ msn messenger… Icq is….? No one want … Started the mass If you dun close the thing right, it will just shut down your com Just Still Whee Oooh Something like this… Hardcopy? Thankyou You can listen to music? I wanna listen I’m gonna play, I’m gonna play word word games Is it a remix? Doesn’t sound like a remix Simpsons…. Show this Yeah Which one did you show Oh my gosh, you took so long to find out? You are like so pro Sheesh Is this a ….. Her name is …I think Mr valles Printer in front,,,, what kind of printer is it? How come .. I dun have any other bag I didn’t receive back my essay You have colours, you have colours… Joshua are you using this? I’m gonna work on one of my drafts before… Have you read the sample essays… It’s like soo mature Yi herng… I can’t believe it Ooooo this is nice man this is nice This is what jo yeh is…. My mouse.. Because one lights up…no wonder LAR, no wonder LAR It’s under English… workbin Messenger www. … what’s the use of .. now it’s extremely …. Who’s playing music? Blasting lah… Then? Then then? You must use you subtitiles…. See there… Very scary… All right Come on man You were with your history teacher today.. Mr ho is fun yeah Is yours just a draft? It’s just point form Then? Stop it … It’s like dunno how many pages, it’s like 30 pages Kai hui, so you dun have to do any research.… DAMN You noticed that… Donovan? This is the hard copy… Remembered me… Dancing Trying Practicing Where? Where is it? Message board The coolest English message board You ah, you ah… I dun have a yahoo .com just click I dun wanna add Yeah I rather use my… Just sign out How do you describe… The story is bad WHAT?? Hahaheeeheee Rashidah’s doing direct translation Online Would you please keep quiet? See what contacts you have… talking to a friend lah Shui lai de? So ladies and gents of 203, you have 30 minutes Submit at least 250 words in one hour Can you set a test on a topic… Study in class ? Discription It would involve one or two of the three At least 250 words… ONLY?? 500 words for Chinese lah.. You can ramble on for hours and hours… You only have one hour! Any other questions? Just mark according to our standard.. They dun ask questions… You can ask him anything one… I let them see… So cute What what what Ehhhh So you’re hot Haha Email? Very slow eh Wah lau Because we’re using web messenger! I’m talking to her File Someone’s eating something here Adhitya…I think it’s been repaired You dun have to research at all But you can work on it on Friday… One point five Ask him whether… Say yah lah Thanks Woah Two three four Web messenger…. Correct lah Yeah Surroundings… Virus… ok lah what is this? Very moving and very insightful a tsunami had hit her…. Very sad, very depressed YES Saying.. You can do it in the beginning you know Dum dum… Actually I know what happened… What did you do?? Messenger , Don’t spoil the class blog! The best! Woots everyone go to the class bolg now! What’s the class blog? Phi-03…

End of observations 3.41pm, 10 April 06, NUS High School Com Lab 1


recieved: chem - lab prac due wed 12 apr; int sci - cement ws due thu 13 apr (??? or maybe mon.)
duw tmw: maths - file, journals; lit - 5 min presentations("draft"); art hist - chap 6 ws.
there is also a math test tomorrow. also bring your chinese fullscap for chinese.

Friday, April 07, 2006

homework again and again

received: bio ws due w5 thu 20 apr.
due mon: chin - jian bao; eng - draft 3.
not sure about int sci. so confusing.
there is also an int sci test on mon. oh great.
there is also a whole lot of stuff due on tuesday. plus a math test. oh greater.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

again and again

received today: chin - jian bao due nw mon 10 apr; phy - assignment due nw thu 13 apr; bio - presentation (in groups of 4) due w5 thu 20 apr.
Bday Bash tomorrow! wheee! something to look forward to. and trip too. and the bands from talent search playing. wow. and NO FPS!!!!!!!! oh that's one of the best.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

homework again

received tue: lit - forum presentation due nw tue 11 apr.
received today: maths - assignment due nw wed 12 apr; eng - draft 3 due nw mon 10 apr, portfolio due nw thu 13 apr.
due tmw: bio - assignment (research factors affecting productivity of ecosystem)

Monday, April 03, 2006


received: chin - zuo ye 11 due tmw 4 apr.
due tmw: maths - assignment; chin - zuo ye 11; lit - ws on movin house; art hist - chap 5 ( or was it 6? anyway Greek Art), presentation.
goodnight. i feel like it's Christmas for some reason. Or maybe it's New Year.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


received on friday: int sci - ws on concrete due nnw mon 10 apr.
due mon: chem - q6 (4 questons) in notes, sign test.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


received: phy - worksheets due nw thu 13 apr; bio - assignment due nw thu 6 apr, consent form due nw thu 6 apr.
due tomorrow: nothing exept the 1 minute speech for mentoring.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


received: maths - assignment due tue 4 apr, journal due nnw tue 11 apr, math file due nnw tue 11 apr.
due tomorrow: chin - zuo ye 10; phy - 13 ampere plug research.
there is a ting xie tomorrow on ke wen 7 and 10, and a phy test as well, vibes & waves. also, bring you're chinese file for the teacher to record grades.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


received today: lit - ws on "moving house" due nw tue 4 apr; art hist - chap 6 ws due nnw tue 11 apr, read chap 7 (optional) due nw tue 4 apr.
a new month is coming soon, and "apr"s are filling the posts. how interesting.

Monday, March 27, 2006


-this is a perfectly pointless post-
received: chem - q6 (energy of electron thingy in notes) due nw mon 3 apr, sign test due nw mon 3 apr; chin - zuo ye 10 due thu 30 mar.
due tmw: maths - assignment 4; lit - 3 lines from coffin passage.
-now you know why-

Thursday, March 23, 2006


WHOHOOOO there's nothin due tomorrow!!!! yayayayay...
received: chin - jian bao 2 due mon 27 mar; phy - research on plug due nw thu 30 mar; bio - terrainium due nnw wed 5 apr.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


sorry for not posting for so long.
received on mon 20 mar: int sci - wroksheet on copper wire due mon 27 mar; chin - zuo ye 7 due tue 21 mar.
tue : lit drama - 3 lines from Coffin monologue; art hist - ws 4 due nnw tue 4 apr, presentation due nnw tue 4 apr.
wed : maths - assignment due nw tue 28 mar.
due tmw : phy - A4 poster on waves.
there is a phy test tomorrow on electrostatics, consisting of 10 mcq (whee!!) and tested up to ohm's law.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


last day of school. 10 days until we see everyone again, but at least it certifies the absence of ... nevermind...
recceived: chinese - zou ji (journal thingy, to be done on a notebook or exercise book, not on paper) due t2 w1 mon 20 mar; phy - poster on waves due t2 w1 thu 24 mar.
i think that's all. and sorry for the mistake about the physics test. i thought it was today but it's actually next term...
well due on monday, the day that school starts again, are quite a few things: chin - worksheet with all the zao ju on it, journal; maths - assignment 3, file with signature.
might as well list tuesday as well: art hist - chap 4 ws; lit - journal (creative writing).
and for the rest of the week: thu: phy - wb 34.1 and 34.2, poster on waves.
whee no more posts for the entire holidays!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


i suppose this is a little late, but here goes:
received: maths - assgnment 3 due nt mon 20 mar, file signature due mon 20 mar.
due tomorrow: chin - jian bao; phy - research on speed of sound. also there is a 40 min test for physics. i think.
that's all really. i completely failed my bio exam :P

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


received: chin - worksheet (with zao ju and stuff in it) due t2 mon 20 mar; lit drama - journal ( creative writing and stuff) due t2 tue 21 mar.
to do list for tomorrow: maths - assignment; eng - test!; bio - EXAM!! study....
how are we supposed to study for english and bio at the same time???

Sunday, March 05, 2006


i forgot to post that there is also homework for physics - phy wb 34.1 and 34.2 due after hols. also we have to write a reflection on group dicisions for mr ang, not sure due when.
to do list for mon: chin - zuo wen (ni hen wo ma?); study for chem.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


received: chin - jian bao (newspaper report) due nw tue 7 feb, type up zuo wen 1 dunno due when; phy - project due t2 w5 thu 20 apr.
due tmw: FPS worksheet!!! ahhhh!!!
that's all. la di da di da...

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


lots of things received but only one thing due tomorrow. this shows that in one or 2 weeks time, there shall be a fluctuation in the number of hours spent on doing homework. have you noticed the sudden drop?
received: math - assignment due nw wed 8 mar; chin - zuo wen due nw mon 6 mar; eng - group place writing due tmw wed 1 mar; art his - chap 3 due t2 w1 tue 21 mar.
due tomorrow: english group writing thingy abt a place.

Monday, February 27, 2006


simple entry today...
received: int sci - worksheet 4 due thu 1 mar.
due tmw: maths - file.
ok done

Saturday, February 25, 2006


things due on monday: phy - assignment in tb, research on doppler; chem - assignment, read lab prac for test; chinese - study!!!(first 3 ke wens)

Thursday, February 23, 2006


didn't post yesterday. but there wasn't any homework given out anyway.
received: phy - assignment (in tb) due mon 27 feb, research on air and sound speed due nw thu 1 mar.
due tmw: bio - compare me! (if you haven't passed up). english - 2nd installment.
please note that doppler research for physics has been extended until mon, 27 feb.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


received: chi - compre due thu 23 feb; eng - topic sentence ws due tmw wed 22 feb; drama - journal due nw tue 28 feb; art his - one paragraph answer question due nw tue 28 feb.
due tmw: maths - assign 1; bukit chandu thing; eng - topic sentence ws.

Monday, February 20, 2006


so much work is due this week!! ahh!!
received: chem - assignment due nw mon 27 feb; eng - draft of second story due fri 24 feb, read chap 8 due tmw 21 feb.
due tmw: eng - read chap 8; drama - journal; art his - read chap 2 & 3, do worksheet.

Friday, February 17, 2006


oooo this is for yesterday as well. :)
received yesterday: chin - 10 sentences thingy (tong hua) due nw mon 20 feb; bio - poster + advert on STDs due w9 thu 3 march.
received today: write something in response to total defence trip due nw wed 22 feb.
due mon: chin - 10 sentences thingy, zuo ye if you havent done.
that's all...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


here i am again.
received: maths - assignment 1 due nw wed 22 feb, file due nnw tue 28 feb.
i think i'll start a "due tomorrow" section as well. then it'll be easier to see what's due tomorrow.
due tmw: int sci - worksheet 3; lit drama - CR

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Hahas sorry i didn't post yesterday.
received (yesterday) : chem - practical due tue 14 feb; int sci - ws 3 due thu 16 feb.
received today: drama - CR due thu 16 feb, journal due nw tue 21 feb; art his - read chap 3&4 due nw tue 21 feb, ws due nw tue 21 feb.
yays! happy valentine's day! :)

Thursday, February 09, 2006


yay! i got access to the blog!
now it will be filled with awful reminders of homework, the typical burden of a typical student. so sad ... :(
received: phy - assignment 2 due nw mon 13 feb, read chap 25 due nw thu 16 feb, research on doppler effect (red and blue shifting) due nw thu 16 feb; bio - lab report due tmw fri 10 feb, did you know? poster due w8 thu 23 feb.